For children who adore candy, especially lollipops, let the magic of sweets and friendship transport them to a world of wonder and delight. The story follows three enchanting fairies, Lolli, the Lollipop Fairy, and her best friends—Teo, the Tooth Fairy, and Dee, the Dream Fairy—as they work together to solve a sticky-sweet problem: how to keep the children’s teeth healthy while still delivering their beloved lollipops.

This delightful tale celebrates innovation, collaboration, and, of course, candy. Perfect for children aged 2-8 who believe in the supernatural, this story is a treat for imaginations and bedtime routines alike!

Winner of Mom’s Choice Award for Bedtime Stories. Available now at Amazon, Barnes & Nobles and major bookstores. Order directly below to receive a personalized, signed copy .

The Lollipop Fairy

The Inspiration

The tale of the Lollipop Fairy was conceived out of sheer necessity for my then 2-year-old son, Taj. After a particularly fruitful evening of trick-or-treating turned him into a little candy monster, I spun the whimsical story of the Lollipop Fairy to bring peace to our sugar-fueled household. The Lollipop Fairy brought him joy (and lollipops), ensuring no more traumatic sugar highs, and restoring our household to normalcy. From the first reading, Taj became an instant believer, and years later, he still gleefully announces that the Lollipop Fairy occasionally visits him in his dreams.

This story enchanted my children and sparked their imaginations, leading me to share it with friends and now with you.

Follow the joy.

Sweet Nothings.

  • I’ve read the Lollipop Fairy so much to my twins that I know it by heart now. It’s their favorite book. We’re headed on a road trip and they made me leave it on their seat!

    Matthew K., Parent

  • The vibrant illustrations and diverse characters truly bring the story to life. I love how it promotes a healthy habit in such a fun and engaging way.

    Mark B., Parent

  • The book is adorable! I bought several copies to give as birthday presents to my daughter's friends and as goodie bag gifts.

    Paige S., Parent

Sprinkle Some Magic

Bring the enchantment of the award-winning The Lollipop Fairy into your home! This delightful tale is perfect for bedtime stories, birthday gifts, or just because. To order your signed copy for $19.95, simply complete the contact form with your name, email, and the personalized message you’d like written in the book. We accept Venmo and Zelle. You can also purchase the book from Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, and other retailers.

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